Monday 20 April 2009


Well now I feel bad, neglecting the blog for almost a whole week. Fact is, I've not had much to post about. There isn't much interesting crap left that I can think of, and I'm trying to avoid making this one of those disgustingly self indulgent diary blogs where people write down what they did today and how it makes them feel under the pretense that someone, somewhere gives a flying fuck about what they ate for lunch.

With that in mind, I'll keep to the juicy bits. The girl I went to the fair with, mentioned in a previous post, came out with me on Friday and we went back to my place afterwards. Suffice to say that it was a very fun evening, and morning after, and I have some epic scratches on my back to prove it. I'll be seeing this one again.

I've handed in my notice at work, so I’m officially finishing on the 5th of June. There’s no turning back now, and that's only a month and a half away. I need to get my flights and first few nights accommodation booked for the EVT, the sooner the cheaper, so I'll probably do it at the weekend as Friday's payday.

Band of the moment is Die Apokalyptischen Reiter. They used to be a lot heavier than they are now, but I still like them.

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