Monday 23 March 2009


In the words of Saint Bob, I don't like Mondays. My reasoning is obvious; I have a whole week of work stretching out into the infinite distance ahead of me, and I'm still hung over from the weekend. Brighton Uni was pretty cool, although I'm not sure whether I want to be doing Digital Media (what I've applied for) or Digital Media Development. They're basically the same course, but DM leans slightly more towards creative and marketing theory aspects, whereas DMD focuses more on the technical side, more advanced programming etc. Either way, it's apparently easy to swap during the first few semesters so I'll see how it goes.

Pretty good night at the Dungeon after Brighton. The Dungeon is a local club, full of metal and industrial types. Ironically, in the interests of saving money I decided I was going to try and not drink that night and deliberately only took enough money to get me home in the small hours of the morning (£3 - night bus is a blessing from Odin himself), but then ended up getting even more drunk than I did last week when I had money with me. This was mostly due to various people taking pity on me and buying me a diverse range of beverages, from Magners to Wet Pussys (a house shooter, no idea what's in it but I'd stay away from any woman who's genitalia tastes like that). The biggest contributor was probably my ex-girlfriend, who bought me four or five different drinks. Of course I was then subject to her sobbing on my shoulder later on in the night, as is her habit, but I considered that a small price to pay for the units of alcohol now playing havoc with my liver.

I've changed my mind about the netbook thing, I reckon I'll go with the Samsung NC10. It's basically the same as the Asus, but looks a little nicer and has longer battery life. It's still freakin’ expensive though, but I reckon I'll dip into my Uni fund to pay for it as I’m sure it'll be useful for lectures and the like.

Also, I did get the new Amon Amarth album, and it is awesome. Still not as fast and visceral as Avenger, but sounds a lot more like the Gothenburg vein of melodic death metal which is also cool. Here's the video of a song off the album, featuring fighting Vikings and bad special effects!

Guardians Of Asgaard ft. LG Petrov

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