Tuesday 31 March 2009


Well, I have an hour and a half until I can leave work, and I'm so bored the only thing I can think of doing is making another post here. Admittedly, that may be the reason most of my posts are written at work anyway, but today I am especially bored.

I'm about out of interesting things to talk about that have happened recently or are about to happen, and I've given up arseing about with Linux on the netbook (which I haven’t got with me today anyway), so I guess I'll fall back on a brief explanation of my name. Skallagrim was a fairly common Norse name (like John or Dave in modern English), but was also the name of a famous mythological Berserker. The Berserkers were Viking warriors, chosen for their size and physical strength, who were renowned for fighting in an uncontrollable, trance-like frenzy of rage, which is where the modern word "berserk" comes from. They were also known for wearing animal pelts, particularly those of wolves and bears, and for engaging in many of the activities with which Vikings are now popularly associated - Pillaging, looting, killing indiscriminately and generally being fucking awesome. Some sources suggest their fearlessness and fits of rage were brought on through the use of psychotropic substances found in plants or funguses, whereas others claim their behavior was due to their being temporarily possessed by the spirit of a wolf or bear (hence their dress code). Skallagrim on the other hand, was supposed to have the ability to completely transform into a wolf when entering the Berserkergang, which y’know is pretty cool, so that's why I chose it.

Well now it's time to lock up and go home. Here's some relevant folk metal, no video though I'm afraid.

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